Ao abrigo do ERASMUS+/Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, a ADADÉMICA DA MADEIRA recebeu no final de fevereiro três jovens oriundos da região do Tirol, na Áustria, para integrarem a HERANÇA MADEIRENSE e o YOU PRINT WE PLANT.
Na HERANÇA MADEIRENSE, também designado em Inglês por MADEIRAN HERITAGE, os voluntários tornam-se guias culturais, levando visitantes de vários países pelas ruas do Funchal, para conhecerem a história, o património e a cultura da Madeira. Estes voluntários também estão envolvidos nas diferentes iniciativas culturais da ACADÉMICA DA MADEIRA como concertos de música ou exposições, por exemplo. Estes são exemplos de iniciativas que suportam os projetos de apoio social como a Bolsa de Alimentação, a Bolsa Escolar e o Ler.

O que é ser voluntário?
Cozinhar uma refeição a quem nem os ingredientes pode comprar, socorrer completos desconhecidos pondo em risco a sua própria vida, oferecer companhia a pessoas que se sentem sós, recolher alimentos

ACADÉMICA DA MADEIRA abre vagas para voluntariado
A ACADÉMICA oferece uma experiência de voluntariado enriquecedora e impactante, reconhecida e premiada, numa oportunidade de participar em programas em prol
Natalie Wille, Vincent Bloéb e Louise le Bec irão nos próximos seis meses, estes voluntários ESC irão fazer visitas guiadas pela cidade do Funchal, mais precisamente nos núcleos históricos da Sé, de Santa Maria Maior e de Santa Clara e São Pedro, andando pelas mesmas ruas em que andou a sua conterrânea Sissi.
How did you hear about this project in Madeira?
N.W.: My Administrative internship ends in February, and the best chance to get a job in this range is in September, so I was looking for a project in the time between. And my cousine who has worked for Cubic told me that it would be a great option to make something in foreign countries. So I looked on the homepage of Cubic searching for projects they have in this time and I saw the project in Madeira. I am a person who likes to be outside and I also have done school guide tours. I thought it would be a good idea to be a part of this project.
V.B.: My dad told me about the daughter of a friend who was already in the European Solidarity Corps on Madeira. When i first heard about the offer it sounded too good to be true, so i immediately applied. The application was handled by Cubic Innsbruck , an organisation dedicated to cultural and social development of adolescents.
L.leB.: I was currently taking part in a project, organized by the European Solidarity Corps in Cornwall, UK. It was a shorter one, lasting only 4 weeks but I was so amazed by the organization and the opportunities afterwards, so that I soon knew I wanted to participate in another project, if possible, again.
What caught your attention the most?
N.W.: First of all, I always wanted to travel to the island of Madeira, because I have already heard many of positive things about it. About the wonderful flowers there and the beautiful Hiking trails. And because I love the nature, I think it is a perfect island for me. And secondly, it also appeals to me to experience what it is like to live on an island and to have the experience of living abroad for a while. Thirdly, the idea of improving my English and making my first experience alone abroad motivated me as well.
V.B.: My attention was caught by the incredible nature and culture the island has to offer. I was always very interested in the different cultures of our world, so learning about the history of Madeira and its capital Funchal was really appealing to me. While i am living on the island i hope to meet new people, explore the sea that surrounds the beautiful mountains and maybe to pick up some Portuguese.
L.leB.: Still in the UK I was researching what possibilities there were. I soon stumbled over an advertisement on Instagram for this project in Madeira. I was immediately intrigued, mostly by the outlook of nice weather, which was a nice change after a winter spent in the UK and Austria as well as of course the prospects of getting to know new people from all around the world, getting to talk and learn about different cultures and maybe even learning a new language.
How important is it for you to join the European Solitary Corps?
N.W.: It is important for me because certain things are already regulated. This will support a lot in the organization because you do not have to worry about things like the flight or accommodation. As a result, you are also together with other young adults.
V.B.: Joining the European Solidarity Corps is important to me not only because of the personal aspects, it is also important to bring people closer to the different histories of different cultures. When you teach others about the past of a culture it is crucial to not only point out the good sides, but also the bad ones, so history can not repeat itself in this way. The European Solidarity Corps do not only offer cultural experiences, but also environmental programs and i think that’s great. I can only advise the young people reading this to take a look at all the projects the EU has to offer (and of course to visit Madeira;) )
L.leB.: After having graduated in summer of 2022 I decided to not immediately start my studies but take my time and enjoy working abroad for a year. For this plan of mine the European Solidarity Corps was the best thing to ever happen to me. For, not having great financial resources at my disposal it would have been very difficult for me to travel, as well as work abroad, even less so for a whole year. Therefore, I would have missed out on a ton of opportunities, wouldn’t have met some of the nicest people and learned about their cultures and their history.
Entrevista conduzida por Carlos Diogo Pereira.
Com fotografia de Markus Spiske.