Quedas d’águas e um nascer do sol

Quedas d’águas e um nascer do sol

Este artigo tem mais de 1 ano

Almost every weekend we plan something. It might be a road trip, a meeting at a restaurant or doing something active. Like a levada or vereda. Currently, with the curfew, it is rather difficult to plan a road trip because they usually take very long and right now, we do not have so much time, unfortunately. So, three weeks ago, when the blog is published, two friends of mine and I, rented a car. Our goal was to do a special levada, Levada Lagoa do Vento near the famous Levada das 25 Fontes, which my friend found on the internet. Driving here with a car is an experience in itself, with the rather steep hills and a car, which does not have much h.p.. We drove about an hour until we arrived and got ourselves ready. The beginning was very nice and easy to walk but soon it got more tiring. We had to master many steps down and all we could think about was our way back… “what if we have to walk all the steps back up :0”

However, after some kilometres, we arrived finally at the end and what we saw was really worth the effort. A beautiful lake with a waterfall, uma queda d’agua, was in front of us. The water was clear as a crystal and we wanted to dip our feet inside. Even though the water was super cold, we really needed to cool down after the effort. We spent some time here, ate the lunch we brought and walked to “Casa de Rabaçal”. We heard about the cake there, so obviously we had to try it. After the refreshment, we went back – fortunately not the way back with the stairs but on a street.

We ended the day visiting another waterfall near Ponta do Sol, where you can drive through underneath.

On the next day, we wanted to see the beautiful sunrise on Pico Arieiro. I was there once already but now it had snowed there! I did not see snow in such a long time and it was quite funny to see snow on the sunny island of Madeira.

The sunrise was stunning as always here, especially because we were really above the clouds and every time this is exciting.

This is a description of a well-spent weekend here. Every second or third weekend we plan something like that and I really love it. I like to use my time here to see more from this beautiful island and right now, I have the feeling I almost saw everything.

Erasmus+ Volunnteer from Germany, at the Colégio dos Jesuítas in Funchal, part of MADEIRAN HERITAGE.