Sharing experiences through History

Sharing experiences through History

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Therefore, it creates a very fascinating connection for both sides, the visitor obtains a personal tour, and a feeling of being valued by the Tour Guide, because he takes care for their welfare.

At the beginning of the tours, you don’t have an idea of how the people will react or what will their interests be. There could be a mixture between scepticism and curiosity to figure out if they will be the kind of tourist that become interested in what we have to say or the kind who doesn’t.

It’s with this premise that all tours begin. During the tour, you can see if the tourist is finding it agreeable or not by noticing how they react during the visit. Otherwise, the tourist guide, myself, in this case, has to know how to pull the best out of themselves and from others. The first step is always to find common ground to establish communication, something that can take a while.

The experiences that you share with the different tourists can be very diverse. It is obvious that you can’t relate in the same way to everyone, but each step that you take in the route of History Tellers is a new way of discovering who is in front of you. The most diverse experiences can happen, by mixing the purely formal, like the information that we provide in the tour, with your own personal wisdom. What happens in these situations becomes a way to learn, in each tour, we assimilate a large amount of history and anecdotes that let us grow as humans, at the same time in a very important way that helps with the following tours. Consequently, you end up turning yourself into a storage centre, in other words, a story connoisseur.

This causes a huge chain reaction; in every tour, you are improving the way you establish a connection with people. Usually, this reciprocity takes place in the first half of the visit, it is in that time where the personal skills began to blend with the formal part, which really starts this close relationship. This is the most important part, what really makes the difference in comparison to other kinds of guided visits. So it’s important to emphasize the effect that this way of guiding causes in how you speak and to whom you speak, thus improving the reciprocity.

Therefore, it creates a very fascinating connection for both sides, the visitor obtains a personal tour, and a feeling of being valued by the Tour Guide, because he takes care of their welfare, for roughly one hour and a half. By the time you have realized that you have arrived at the end of the route, it seems like time has sped by. When it’s over, we really know the opinion of the tourist, in exchange for their feedback we can improve our future tours.

Consequently, we arrive at the point where everything comes together in this project, the moment when the visitor and guide are happy with the ending. A reality that makes us think about ensuring a future for these types of projects, where volunteers from Europeans countries are involved.

Borja Gandia Bernia
Students’ Union Spanish Volunteer

Project financed by ERASMUS+.