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Os estudantes da UMa em Erasmus não falharam o voto nas eleições

Na Eslovénia, Hungria, Espanha ou Eslováquia os estudantes da Universidade da Madeira não falharam o seu direito e dever cívico de votar, com a perceção generalizada de um processo simples e rápido. Ainda assim, os estudantes em mobilidade continuam sem poder optar pelo voto postal, o que penaliza quem vive distante de uma embaixada ou de uma representação consular. Estudantes, como Carolina Rodrigues da Silva, desmistificam: “eu achava que iria ser muito mais complicado votar fora de Portugal, mas foi muito acessível”.


Associação Académica de Coimbra reelege João Pedro Caseiro

João Pedro Caseiro foi reeleito, no dia 17 de novembro, para a Presidência da Direção-Geral da Associação Académica de Coimbra (AAC). O estudante de mestrado em Administração Educacional da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra venceu por maioria absoluta ao alcançar 72,9 por cento dos 3303 votos contabilizados, de acordo com o noticiado pelo jornal A CABRA.


European elections and the future of European Union

The elections to the European Parliament are approaching, and, once again, millions of Europeans are called to vote. These elections are especially important, as crucial decisions will be taken in the coming years that will affect climate change, the resettlement of refugees and asylum seekers and the sovereignty of the peoples of Europe. However, we can say that elections to the European Parliament do not usually attract much interest in the population, at least in Spain, because the power of the European Commission is perceived as something limited and distant that does not have much impact on the member States. Even so, I believe that we are living a decisive period in terms of the continuity of the Union since the resolutions adopted after the 2008 crisis and the subsequent rise of the extreme right worldwide have created a great discredit on the project of the European Union. This will be surely the biggest challenge for the next legislature because, although it is true that many wrong decisions were made during the crisis, the solution should be to create a joint project in which we can all believe and trust and not isolate ourselves behind our borders and see others as enemies. In spite of this, it would be perhaps interesting to review the current Treaties, I mean the one of Lisbon, because, through it, the European Union has taken some liberties related to international trade and consumer (un)protection (remember the TTIP and the CETA) that have profound labour, health and environmental consequences and whose negotiations have been made behind the European population’s back. Anyway, I think there is one aspect of the European Union to which we could all contribute, and it is the cohesion of the peoples of Europe. It is true that the European Commission will have to continue funding and promoting programs such as Erasmus or EVS to boost the feeling of unity of European citizens, but each one as an individual has the responsibility to have an open mind to what surrounds them; and to understand that, in the end, we are not so different. Project co-financed by ERASMUS+. Jone Areta Students’ Union Basque Country Volunteer


Together we can do better!

In May, the call for European elections is opening and all European citizens are needed to express their desire to get involved in politics. These are not simple elections, this is an international event in which we are involved as protagonists because the future of the European Union depends on us. The EU is experiencing a moment of crisis due to the national political transformations that are happening, the international emergency related to the migratory fluxes that are occurring and the lack of common intents between the countries that constitute the monetary and economic union. The number of populist parties that are rising in power in national contexts is increasing as a result of the boom in nationalism, economic autarky and political distrust. The aim of these parties is a counter-trend compared to the objectives of the EU, which can be summarised in the motto “United in diversity”. The hardest challenge that the European Union faces is promoting and convincing the European public to support its intent in order to transform the EU from an agglomeration of National States into the “United States of Europe”. This does not mean reducing the constitutional power that the single States have, but legislating common agreements. In contrast, in Italy, even if the parties that are governing are Eurosceptic, they nevertheless complain about their indifference to the EU, for example concerning problems such as immigration. Due to this lack of concern and willingness to share the problem and help to solve it, Italy is not supporting the aims of the European project. Moreover, unfortunately, the values that powerful parties are promoting do not allow the sense of belonging to a common European Union to grow. However, my expectations of the EU’s fate are encouraged by the experiences I am living, and by staying in contact with my Erasmus generation. The Evs project in Madeira and an Erasmus exchange through my university have enabled me to recognise the importance of bringing young people together from different projects across Europe. We are the future and what we are being shown, is that together we can do better. Autor: Cristina Demuro, 22 years and Italian. I am a globetrotter and a student of International and Diplomatic Science. I believe that “your vibe attracts your tribe”, that’s why I am in love with nature, animals and my friends! Project co-financed by ERASMUS+. Cristina Demuro Students’ Union Italian Volunteer


European elections and the future of European Union

In a short time, it will be May 23-26, time for the next elections for the European Parliament. These elections are especially important, as they concern the future of Europe and its standing towards important subjects such as work, security, migration and climate change, some of the most discussed topics, be it in global or local politics. Topics which have a huge influence on our future and well-being in said future. These elections may also mark an important turning point, seeing as the European Union is trying, and often struggling, to fight against the apathy of its citizens and the strong populist tide many countries seem to find themselves in. The situation in my country, Germany, may be described as borderline apathy: European challenges such as the Brexit have proven to us, that, though many like to criticise, there are more than enough advantages for staying in the EU. In fact, three out of four Germans believe the European membership to be success bringing for Germany, in contrast to a more nationalist solution. It is also agreed on, that challenges such as the climate change must be fought against together, however, as of now, Germany has, despite this belief, stayed rather passive in contributing to find compromises and final solutions. Hopefully, the coming elections will be able to compete with these threats, seeing as the European Union has brought so many advantages to its citizens, especially my generation is able to enjoy a mobility unknown to our parents or grandparents. Thanks to programmes, such as ERASMUS programmes, Europe’s inhabitants can study or take part in voluntary projects all over our continent, or, as it is in our case, support the University of Madeira here in Funchal. Moreover, this is not the only benefit of the European Union, to take Madeira as an example again, most of its modern infrastructure, which allows people to travel all around the island in a matter of hours and not, as previously, days and weeks, was payed for, by the European Union. Consequently, I hope that the coming elections are our first stop towards a European Union fitting its motto “United in diversity” and that, in 50 years, the EU will be appreciated as a way to unite people, ideas and live-changing innovations. Project co-financed by: ERASMUS+ Helen Gruegge Students’ Union German Volunteer


Não é nada connosco?

Compreendem-se os resultados todos, os votos brancos, os nulos – todos enquanto repercutores da opinião de cada um – mas não se entende, não se adivinha, nem se pode interpretar fielmente, valores altíssimos como os da abstenção. Quando leres este artigo, já as eleições europeias tiveram lugar e estarão os nossos representantes mais do que escolhidos. Mas continuaremos a sentir o papel da União Europeia nas nossas vidas, mesmo que isso passe ao lado dos mais distraídos. Talvez essa distração possa até ser uma das respostas para a crescente abstenção que temos vindo a assistir nos últimos anos em diversos atos eleitorais. A distração, o desinteresse…mas porquê? Não é nada connosco? É! A União Europeia, através das suas políticas, tem tido responsabilidade de garantir que os jovens beneficiam das mesmas oportunidades e desafios. Aliás, além dos jovens, tem a responsabilidade de chegar à vida das nossas famílias e da nossa terra. E tem chegado. As conquistas a que temos assistido nos últimos tempos, graças aos fundos comunitários, não nos podem deixar indiferentes a uma profunda reflexão sobre o nosso papel na Europa e no mundo. E esse papel tem um enorme peso na urna, quando decidimos o nosso futuro, quando escolhemos quem nos representará, quando damos voz à nossa opinião, através desse grande exercício de cidadania que é o voto – livre, pessoal e secreto. E isso da cidadania…não é nada connosco? É! É e custou muito, principalmente às mulheres, conseguir votar. Em Portugal, só em 1931, nós, mulheres, tivemos o direito de voto, ainda que, com várias restrições. Passados vários anos e muitas mudanças depois, a lei eleitoral, como a conhecemos hoje, foi aprovada em 1979. E 1979, foi mesmo ontem. Significa que a dádiva da liberdade e da democracia, o poder de escolha e de rejeição, o escrutínio e o voto só praticamente ontem nos foram concedidos. A todos, por igual. É por isso, por essa proximidade com a falta de liberdade, que temos a responsabilidade de honrar as lutas daqueles que nos deram a oportunidade de viver em democracia, dando-nos um papel ativo no futuro da nossa Região, do nosso País e da União Europeia. Não se trata somente de uma luta político-partidária, trata-se de participar, ter voz, escolher, ser cidadão do mundo, através de um simples ato. Compreendem-se os resultados todos, os votos brancos, os nulos – todos enquanto repercutores da opinião de cada um – mas não se entende, não se adivinha, nem se pode interpretar fielmente, valores altíssimos como os da abstenção. Veja-se o exemplo de 2014, em que nas eleições para o Parlamento Europeu apenas 42,5% dos europeus foi votar, ou o de 2017, em que nas eleições autárquicas, 45% dos portugueses decidiu ficar em casa. Não é nada connosco? É. Os jovens estão entre aqueles que menos votam e são aqueles que fazem parte da geração mais bem preparada de sempre, a que tem mais acesso à informação, a mais formada, mas, pelos vistos, a menos interessada. Não é compreensível que, na era da informação, chutemos para canto um ato tão simples mas tão valioso como o voto. Informem-se. Não se esquivam. Não sejam campeões de facebook e cidadãos de segunda. Votem. Participem. Afinal, tem tudo a ver connosco. Vera Duarte Alumnus