Não é nada connosco?
Compreendem-se os resultados todos, os votos brancos, os nulos – todos enquanto repercutores da opinião de cada
Compreendem-se os resultados todos, os votos brancos, os nulos – todos enquanto repercutores da opinião de cada
Na União Europeia o valor económico do Património Cultural como fonte de desenvolvimento corresponde a cerca de 7,8 milhões empregos.
Funchal and my home city are so distant, however, what are their similarities? In this united Europe,
At the first glance, it is hard to believe that my home and Funchal have anything in
The following article will be about some of the major similarities Madeira has in common with the
My name is Anne, I am part of the voluntary project in Madeira. Therefore, I want to
The island has been excellent, the people are beautiful, the job has been amazing and I don’t
Did you know? The Portuguese language is official in 9 countries of the world, around four continents.
You honestly can’t feel lonely here. I like running into my fellow Erasmus+ colleagues at the residence,
Age is not as important as you think, there are tons of examples! I have to admit